Salamullah – Maher Zain English Lyric Video

Maher Zain’s lyric video “Salamullah” produced by Awakening Music, directed by Emrah Özbilen. أغنية ماهر زين الجديدة “سلام الله” من إنتاج أويكنينج ميوزيك
Director: Emrah Özbilen
Lyrics: Ahmed AlYafie
Melody: Maher Zain
Arrangement: Mustafa Ceceli
Mixing: Koray Puskul
Mastering: Svante Forsbäck
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Prod. Coordinator: Yasin M. Melikoğlu
Production Coordination: Sina Produksiyon
Typography & Artwork: Mohamed Ali Dhifet
قمرٌ أطلَّ على البريةِ من حِراءْ
(A moon shone upon creation from (the cave of) Hira)
زان السماءَ فكان بدراً نيّرا
(It adorned the sky and became a bright full moon)
هو رحمةُ الرحمنِ ذاك محمدٌ
(He is the mercy of the Most Gracious, that is Muhammad)
من جاء غيثاً للقلوبِ مُطهِّرا
(He who came as purifying rain to the hearts)
يا نبي سلام عليكْ
(O Prophet, peace be upon you)
فاض دمعُ القلبِ وطال الشوقُ إليك
(My heart overflowed with tears and my longing increased for you)
يا نبي يا نبي
(O Prophet, O Prophet!)
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوماً عليك
(May God’s prayers and His salutations always be upon you)
ميمُ المحبةِ والهدايةِ والسلامْ
(The M (in your name) is the true meaning of love, guidance and peace)
حاءُ الحقيقةِ قد محى كلَّ الظلام
(The H is Truth that erased all darkness)
والميمُ محمودٌ حوى طهرَ الخصال
(And the M is “Mahmoud” – most praised containing the purest of traits)
والدالُ داعٍ للهدى والإعتدال
(The D in your name calls for guidance and moderation)
يا نبي سلام عليكْ
(O Prophet, peace be upon you)
فاض دمعُ القلبِ وطال الشوقُ إليكْ
(My heart overflowed with tears and my longing increased for you)
يا نبي يا نبي
(O Prophet, O Prophet!)
صلاة الله وسلام الله دوماً عليك
(May God’s prayers and His salutations always be upon you)