70,000 Angels Follow You When You Do This

Now think about this hadith from the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam. The prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said that when someone goes to visit Their brother or sister for the sake of Allah that is ill. 70 000 angels accompany them to that visits. All praying and seeking forgiveness upon that person for that person from Allah subhanahu ta’ala all the way until the next day.
So if you go to visit your brother or sister in the evening the prophet saw some says 70 000 angels will accompany you upon that visit all seeking forgiveness for you. Praying upon you throughout that entire time all the way until the next morning. So they don’t even stop when you get to the visit that you’re supposed to get to they stay with you until the next day, and if a person goes out in the morning to visit their sick brother or sister seventy thousand angels will accompany you.
Throughout that entire visit all the way until the evening. Seeking forgiveness for you and praying upon you. Think about how incredible that is and
It doesn’t stop there the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said
And then that person will have a special garden for them promised in paradise. Now this is a mind-blowing hadith. Because an entire entourage of malaika of angels that are far greater than human beings, far greater than the birds flapping their wings, all seeking forgiveness for you and
Praying upon you.
How do we understand this incredible reward and what it means well for one. You’ll find people this day and age. That give charity for the sake of allah. You’ll find people doing voluntary fasting. You’ll find people that pray to yamalid. You’ll find people that do various service initiatives like feeding the
Poor and things of that sort, how rare is it to find people that visit sick people for the sake of allah not.
Because they’re a chaplain at a hospital Not because they’re they’ve been called. As an imam or in some pastoral capacity to take care of someone not because it’s family. But just as a form of of seeking reward from Allah as a form of getting closer to Allah on a regular basis saying i’m going to visit sick people for the sake of allah subhanahu ta’ala.
So the first thing is how rare it is to find people that do that communities or groups or organizations that do that as a religious habit separated from all other things, and of course connect that to. What the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam has already said about a person that just goes to visit their brother or sister for the sake of allah for the sake of allah and nothing else, visiting a sick person.
The second thing of this is that if you remember previously we said that allah has said that he is with the sick person. But allah subhanahu wa ta’ala when Speaking about the hungry and the thirsty allah mentioned his reward having been with that person and the number seventy thousand is significant in that regard.
The prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam that every day as he had seen on his journey of al isra al miraj on his ascension every day seventy Thousand angels visit al bayt al mamur, which is right above the kaaba the frequently visited home, and they make tawaf around that and they never return.
Seventy thousand enter every single day as they visit the house of allah subhanahu ta’ala. Where they visit the equivalent of the house of allah subhanahu the kaaba that exists for us in the form of al bayt al mamur and so some of the scholars connected it to that. It’s.
It’s because the sick person has such a special position with allah(s.W.T) in those moments. So much so that it’s like allah(s.W.T) is with them the reward is so incredible that 70,000 assigned angels would come to accompany you. On that visit because of how special it actually is and you know, if you add that to the reward of someone who fasts.
You add that to someone who’s fasting in the month of ramadan. You add that to someone who’s giving charity and the reward of charity. You add that to just the reward of checking up on someone for the sake of allah(s.W.T) particularly, when someone needs it most. When they’re feeling ill and you think about how incredible that reward is and there’s something else that’s special about this.
Which is
Kana lahu kharifun fil jannah
That they have a special garden in jannah.
If you remember previously allah (s.W.T) has promised that person who is ill. That if allah (s.W.T) takes them if they pass away as a result of that illness. They have a special garden in jannah. And so just like when you make dua for your brother and sister the angel says
Ameen, walak bimitahlihi
Ameen, for you as well.
When you go and visit your brother and sister and you make dua for them, and you fulfill that obligation. You’re getting the same reward as they are
Getting in sha allah ta’ala.
Which is a garden in paradise the forgiveness for sins and the angels that are praying upon you, and seeking forgiveness for you from the lord of the worlds at that time